Prepositions represent relationships in sentences. Today, we will learn Compound Prepositions, definitions, examples, usage, lists, and worksheets.
What are Compound Prepositions?
The prepositions made up of two or more prepositional words.
The prepositions that are formed by combining two or more prepositions, and functions to connect nouns, pronouns, or phrases.
Examples of Compound Prepositions:
Here are examples:
- According to
- In front of
- Next to
- In spite of
- Because of
- On account of
- Due to
Example Sentences of Compound Prepositions:
Here are the sentence examples.
- According to her mood, she will scold you for what you did.
- There is a hospital in front of my hostel.
- There is a library next to my hostel.
- She went to university instead of the extreme weather.
- The trip is supposed to be postponed because of the storm.
- Today will be off due to a public holiday.
- The flight will be delayed due to the storm.
List of Compound Prepositions:
- According to
- Ahead of
- Apart from
- As for
- As of
- As per
- As regards
- Aside from
- Because of
- By means of
- Close to
- Contrary to
- Due to
- Except for
- In addition to
- In case of
- In front of
- In lieu of
- In place of
- In spite of
- Instead of
- Near to
- Next to
- On account of
- On behalf of
- On top of
- Out of
- Owing to
- Prior to
- Regardless of
- Thanks to
- Up to
- With regard to
- With respect to
Position in a Sentence:
They are placed before the noun or pronoun they modify.
She is sitting in front of her.
Formal vs. Informal Usage:
These are used in context to the formal or informal communication style.

Compound Prepositions, definitions, examples, and usage in sentences.
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Worksheet of Compound Preposition:
1- Compound Preposition is placed:
A- Before the noun
B- Before Pronoun
C- None of the above
D- Both of the Above
Right Answer: D
2- Compound Preposition is made up of:
A- Single Preposition
B- Two Preposition
C- Two or more prepositions
D- All of the Above
Right Answer: C
3- Indicate Compound Preposition.
A- In case of
B- Near to
C- Next to
D- All of the Above
Right Answer: D
Improve your language skills even better, learn how to use collective nouns.