English Grammar

Present Continuous vs Future Continuous Tense with Examples

Present Continuous vs Future Continuous Tense with Examples
Written by grammrary.com

The Present Continuous tense and the Future Continuous tense are both used to describe ongoing actions, but they focus on different times. The Present Continuous tense talks about actions happening right now or in the near future, like “I am reading a book.” On the other hand, the Future Continuous tense is used for actions that will be ongoing at a specific time in the future, such as “I will be reading a book at 8 PM.” Understanding the difference between these two tenses helps make your communication more accurate and clear. In this article you learn Present Continuous vs Future Continuous Tense with simple explanations and examples to help you learn both tenses easily.

What is Present Continuous Tense?

The Present Continuous Tense describes actions that are happening right now or around the current time. It is also used for planned future events.

Structure of Present Continuous Tense

SubjectHelping Verb (am/is/are)Base Verb + ingObject/Complement
Iamworkingon my project.
She/He/Itisreadinga book.

When to Use Present Continuous

  1. Ongoing Actions: Actions happening at the moment of speaking.
    • She is writing a letter.
    • They are watching TV.
  2. Temporary Actions: Actions happening for a short period.
    • I am staying at my friend’s house this week.
  3. Future Plans: Arrangements or plans for the near future.
    • We are meeting our teacher tomorrow.
Present Continuous Tense with Examples

Present Continuous Tense with Examples

What is Future Continuous Tense?

The Future Continuous Tense describes actions that will be happening at a specific time in the future. It focuses on the duration of an activity or its occurrence.

Structure of Future Continuous Tense

SubjectHelping Verb (will be)Base Verb + ingObject/Complement
I/We/You/They/He/She/Itwill beworkingon the report.

When to Use Future Continuous Tense

  1. Actions in Progress at a Future Time:
    • This time tomorrow, I will be flying to New York.
  2. Future Plans or Predictions:
    • She will be studying for her exams next week.
  3. Polite Inquiries About the Future:
    • Will you be joining us for dinner?
What is Future Continuous Tense?

What is Future Continuous Tense?

Key Differences Between Present and Future Tenses

AspectPresent ContinuousFuture Continuous
Time of ActionNow or near futureSpecific time in the future
Helping Verbam/is/arewill be
Example SentenceI am cooking dinner now.I will be cooking dinner at 8 PM.

Present Continuous vs Future Continuous Tense Example Sentences

The Present Continuous Tense describes actions happening right now or in the near future, while the Future Continuous Tense shows actions that will be happening at a specific time in the future. Both tenses help to express ongoing actions but differ in their time frames.

Present Continuous TenseFuture Continuous Tense
I am reading a book now.I will be reading at 8 PM.
She is cooking dinner tonight.She will be cooking tomorrow night.
They are playing in the park.They will be playing at noon.
He is studying for his exam.He will be studying tomorrow morning.
We are meeting friends for lunch.We will be meeting them later.
The baby is crying loudly now.The baby will be crying tonight.
I am waiting at the bus stop.I will be waiting at 5 PM.
She is writing a new story.She will be writing it tomorrow.
They are cleaning the living room.They will be cleaning after lunch.
He is fixing his car now.He will be fixing it later.
We are walking to the market.We will be walking in the evening.
I am talking on the phone now.I will be talking to her later.
She is decorating the room today.She will be decorating it tomorrow.
They are watching TV this evening.They will be watching it tomorrow.
He is painting the house today.He will be painting next week.
Present Continuous vs Future Continuous Tense chart with Example sentences

Present Continuous vs Future Continuous Tense chart with Example sentences

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About the author


The author of Grammrary.com is a Certified TEFL Trainer from Arizona State University with over 7 years of experience teaching English to students from different cultures around the world. Teaching English is both his profession and passion, and he is dedicated to helping learners improve their language skills.

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