English Grammar

Prepositions of Movement Definition Explained with Examples

Prepositions of Movement Definition Explained with Examples
Written by grammrary.com

Prepositions of movement are words that show direction or movement from one place to another. They help us explain how something or someone moves, making sentences clear and detailed. Common examples include “to,” “into,” “onto,” “through,” and “across.” For example, in the sentence “She walked into the room,” the word “into” shows the direction of her movement. Learning these prepositions helps us describe actions more accurately and makes communication smoother. By using examples, we can understand how these prepositions work in everyday situations.

What Are Prepositions of Movement?

Prepositions of movement are words used to describe the direction or motion of a person, animal, or object from one point to another. These prepositions answer questions such as “Where to?” or “In what direction?” They are often used with verbs of motion like go, run, jump, or move. learn more about Prepositions and its types

Key Features of Prepositions of Movement

  • They show motion or direction.
  • They are often paired with verbs of motion.
  • They clarify how movement occurs between two points.

Common Prepositions of Movement

Here’s a table of frequently used prepositions of movement along with their meanings:

PrepositionMeaningExample Sentence
ToIndicates destinationShe is going to the park.
IntoMotion from outside to insideHe jumped into the pool.
OntoMovement from a lower place to a surfaceThe cat jumped onto the table.
OverMotion across something from aboveThe plane flew over the city.
AcrossMovement from one side to anotherThey walked across the bridge.
ThroughMovement within an enclosed spaceHe ran through the tunnel.
AlongMotion in a linear directionShe walked along the beach.
PastMovement beyond a pointHe drove past the building.
Common Prepositions of Movement with Examples

Common Prepositions of Movement with Examples

Detailed Explanation of Common Prepositions of Movement

1. To

This preposition indicates the direction towards a specific destination.

  • Example: The children went to the zoo.

2. Into

This describes movement from the outside to the inside of something.

  • Example: He poured the juice into the glass.

3. Onto

Used to describe motion to a surface or position.

  • Example: She climbed onto the roof to fix it.

4. Over

This implies motion above something without touching it.

  • Example: The ball bounced over the fence.

5. Through

Describes movement within or across a confined space.

  • Example: The hikers walked through the forest.

Difference Between Prepositions of Movement and Place

Prepositions of movement focus on direction or motion, while prepositions of place describe the position of an object or person.

TypeExample Sentence
Preposition of PlaceThe book is on the table.
Preposition of MovementShe jumped onto the table.

Advanced Usage of Prepositions of Movement

1. Combined Prepositions

Sometimes, prepositions of movement are combined with adverbs to create more specific meanings.

  • Example: The dog ran out of the house.

2. Expressing Cause and Effect with Movement

Prepositions of movement can also indicate purpose or result.

  • Example: He rushed to the hospital to see his friend.

Common Mistakes and How to Avoid Them

Mistake 1: Confusing “Into” and “In”

  • Incorrect: He walked in the room.
  • Correct: He walked into the room.

Mistake 2: Using “Onto” and “On” Interchangeably

  • Incorrect: The cat jumped on the table.
  • Correct: The cat jumped onto the table.

Tip: Always pair prepositions of movement with verbs of motion to avoid errors.

Examples of Prepositions of Movement in Sentences

PrepositionExample Sentence
AcrossShe ran across the street.
AlongThey walked along the beach.
AroundHe drove around the city.
ThroughThe ball went through the window.
IntoShe jumped into the pool.
OntoHe climbed onto the roof.
Out ofThe cat ran out of the room.
OverThe bird flew over the house.
UnderThe dog crawled under the table.
PastWe walked past the school.
TowardHe moved toward the door.
Away fromShe ran away from the fire.
UpThey went up the hill.
DownHe slid down the slide.
OntoShe jumped onto the bed.
OutThe kids ran out of the park.
OffHe fell off the bike.
ToThey went to the market.
FromShe came from the station.
ByHe walked by the river.
Prepositions of Movement with examples

common Prepositions with examples

30 Prepositions of Movement list in English

  • Across
  • Along
  • Around
  • Through
  • Into
  • Onto
  • Out of
  • Over
  • Under
  • Past
  • Toward
  • Away from
  • Up
  • Down
  • From
  • To
  • By
  • In
  • On
  • Off
  • Over to
  • Out
  • Towards
  • Back to
  • Over through
  • Alongside
  • Around to
  • Underneath
  • Up to
  • Backward
Prepositions of Movement list in English

Movement preposition list in English

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About the author


The author of Grammrary.com is a Certified TEFL Trainer from Arizona State University with over 7 years of experience teaching English to students from different cultures around the world. Teaching English is both his profession and passion, and he is dedicated to helping learners improve their language skills.

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