English Grammar

What are Object Pronouns? Usage, List and Worksheet

Object Pronouns
Written by grammrary.com

Object Pronouns

Have you ever realized how many times you use object pronouns in a day? Just like she is hitting me. Evans is motivating her to work. These motivational speakers always inspire us. But do you know the proper Definition, Examples, Types, and usage? To ace grammar, learn subject and object pronouns.

What is an Object Pronoun?

These are a kind of Personal pronouns that function as a grammatical object. They may function as a direct or indirect object of a preposition or verb.

Object Pronoun Definition:

The type of pronouns on which a work is done in a sentence. For Example: them, me, him, you, her, us, and whom. 

Object Pronouns Examples

  • Me
  • You
  • Us
  • Him
  • Her
  • It
  • Them

Object Pronoun Examples Sentences:

Here are the example sentences of object pronouns.

  1. His father took him to work.
  2. Can you please ask them to give you this book?
  3. She told me the truth about you.
  4. He told her a lie that he was going to university.
  5. Her Mother gave us sweets.

English Object Pronouns List:

The seven object pronouns are:

  1. Me
  2. You (singular)
  3. You (Plural)
  4. Us
  5. Him
  6. Her
  7. It
  8. Them

Types of Object Pronouns:

They can be classified as:

They can also be classified as:

  • First-Person Object Pronoun
  • Second-Person Object Pronoun
  • Third-Person Object Pronoun
Singular Object Pronoun Plural Object Pronoun
first-person me us
second-person you you
third-person him/her/it them

About the author


The author of Grammrary.com is a Certified TEFL Trainer from Arizona State University with over 7 years of experience teaching English to students from different cultures around the world. Teaching English is both his profession and passion, and he is dedicated to helping learners improve their language skills.

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