English Grammar

Possessive Pronouns | Definition, Examples, Types, Usage and List

Possessive Pronouns
Written by grammrary.com

Possessive Pronouns replace possessive nouns. We have learned that possessive nouns show ownership and possession. While possessive pronoun replaces noun and performs their roles. How good they are!

Here are the examples. Is this pen yours? This is her pen. Is this your friend’s pen? These examples can give you an idea about how possessive pronoun is used, its examples, usage, and list.

What is a possessive pronoun?

possessive pronoun replace possessive noun and shows ownership or possession.

Definition of a Possessive Pronoun

The pronoun like mine, theirs, mine, or yours, that represent possession or ownership. Possessive pronoun show someone’s or something’s ownership or possession by something is called possessive pronoun.

Here are the examples:

  • mine
  • yours
  • yours
  • hers
  • ours
  • his
  • its
  • theirs

Examples of Possessive Pronouns

Here are possessive pronouns examples.

  • Ella is the sister of mine.
  • Is this dress hers?
  • That girl is his friend, and this is mine.
  • The cake she baked yesterday is not as fine as yours.

Types of Possessive Pronouns:

Following are possessive pronoun types.

  • Singular Possessive Pronoun
  • Double Possessive Pronoun

List of possessive pronouns

Here is the possessive pronouns list for singular and plural.

Singular Possessive Pronouns Plural possessive Pronouns
  • yours
  • mine
  • hers
  • its
  • his
  • theirs
  • ours
  • theirs
  • yours

How to use a Possessive Pronoun?

Subject Object Possessive pronoun
I me mine
you you yours
he him his
she her hers
it it
we us ours
they them theirs

Explore possessive pronouns sentences:

Singular Possessive Pronoun Examples Plural Possessive Pronoun Examples
That is his car and that one is mine. Ella’s party was amazing, but wait until you attend ours.
Let’s check if Ali’s car is longer than mine. Our team can win from theirs.
Is this car yours? This is my pizza, and that one is theirs.
That is his book and this one is mine. My students can defeat theirs.

Rules to use Possessive Pronoun:

noun can generally be used as a possessive noun just by adding an apostrophe and an ‘s’ at the end of the noun. Similarly, pronouns can be used to show possession too. It is not by adding an apostrophe or an ‘s’. There are pronouns that exclusively function in order to show that a particular person, animal or object belongs to a particular someone.

  • The possessive pronoun, for personal pronoun “I” is “mine”.
  • The possessive pronoun, for personal pronoun “we” is “ours”.
  • The possessive pronoun, for personal pronoun “he” is “his”.
  • The possessive pronoun, for personal pronoun “she” is “hers”.
  • The possessive pronoun, for personal pronoun “you” is “yours”.
  • The possessive pronoun, for personal pronoun “they” is “theirs”.
Possessive Pronoun

Possessive Pronoun Definition, Examples, types, usage, list and worksheet

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About the author


The author of Grammrary.com is a Certified TEFL Trainer from Arizona State University with over 7 years of experience teaching English to students from different cultures around the world. Teaching English is both his profession and passion, and he is dedicated to helping learners improve their language skills.

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