Analogy, Introduction:
Is it fair to compare two different things that somehow resemble each other? That does analogy, a Figure of Speech. Another name is “analogous structure.” Whether it’s a formal meeting or an English exam, it is a vital tool in communication. It provides a comparison between two things. But wait a minute? What are other Figures of Speech that compare two things? These are metaphors and similes. Let’s explore the Analogy Definition and Analogy Examples below.
Analogy Definition:
According to the Analogy Definition, it gives the comparison between two different things, that resemble in a way. Its purpose is to give an explanation or clarification. The purpose is to not only show the connection. In fact, it also provide an explanation. This makes it more complex than metaphor or simile, which just show connection and don’t give an explanation.
Analogy Examples
Analogies are commonly used in everyday life. You may even have heard analogies without even realizing it. After understanding the Analogy Definition, Explore the Analogy Examples below.
- Finding her lost diamond ring is like finding a button in a sea.
- This tool is as useful as a stove in the kitchen.
- Life is like a discovery ride with ups and downs.
How it is different from Metaphor and Similes?
What differentiates it from these Simile and Metaphor? It provides a comparison to a larger point. Thus, gives enhanced descriptions and complicated topics. It shows connection and provides the explanation. Metaphors and Similes don’t give explanation. Thus, making arguments more convincing.
How does it Functions?
It explains one thing, giving a reference to another thing the audience already knows about.
Types include:
- Part to whole
- Cause to effect
- Source to product
- Object to purpose
Part to Whole
It describes a relationship where a smaller component contributes to the functioning of a larger whole.
- Example: Wheels to Car
Examples of Use in Sentence:
- The Guest Room is the heart of our home.
- Our shef is engine of this restaurant.
- “The Head of Department is the heart of our department.
- “The Professor is the cornerstone of University.
Cause to Effect
Shows the relationship between cause-effect
- Rain to Growth of Plants
Examples of Use in Sentence:
- Lack of nutritious diet to human health is what rust is to metal.
- Dishonesty is like sowing seeds of loss.
- Skipping breakfast is like going to a trip without travel acessories.
- Lavishness is like digging a financial hole.
Source to Product
Depicts the transformation from a starting material or origin to the final outcome or result.
- Seed to Tree
Examples of Use in Sentences:
- Her mind is like a fertile soil.
- “The artist’s imagination is a spring of stories flowing into novels.
- The designer’s boutique is a collection of ideas, where style gives birth to latest trends.
- This photography studio is a sanctuary of sound, where melody comes from the soul.
Object to Purpose
Demonstrates the object intended for a particular function.
- Pen to Writing
Examples of Use in Sentences
- The hope is like a savor that opens the door to life.
- “The computer is like a milestone that saves thoughts and memories.
- Art is a bridge that connects people from different areas and backgrounds.
- Research is like doors that open minds to innovation and technology.

Analogy, its Types with Definition and Examples