English Grammar

Limiting Adjectives definitions with Example Sentences in English

Limiting Adjectives definitions with Example Sentences in English
Written by grammrary.com

Limiting adjectives are words that restrict or define a noun rather than describe its qualities. They help us understand “which one,” “how many,” or “whose” something is. These adjectives include articles (a, an, the), numbers (one, two, three), demonstratives (this, that, these, those), possessives (my, your, his, her), and quantifiers (some, many, few). For example, in the sentence “That book is mine,” the word “that” is a limiting adjective because it specifies a particular book. In this article, we will learn more about Limiting Adjectives definitions with Example Sentences in English.

Understanding Limiting Adjectives

Limiting adjectives are words that help to specify or limit the meaning of a noun. They answer questions like which one, how many, or whose. These adjectives make it clear what or how much we are talking about. Learn more about adjectives and their types

What Are Limiting Adjectives?

Limiting adjectives are words that restrict or specify the meaning of a noun rather than describe its qualities. They answer questions like:

  • Which one?
  • How many?
  • Whose?

Unlike descriptive adjectives (which describe qualities like color, size, or shape), limiting adjectives help to narrow down the noun being discussed.

Limiting Adjectives definitions with Example Sentences

Limiting Adjectives definitions with Example Sentences

Types of Limiting Adjectives

Limiting adjectives come in several forms. Let’s explore the different types with examples.

1. Articles

Articles are the most common type of limiting adjectives. They specify whether a noun is specific or general.

ArticleExample Sentence
AI saw a cat in the garden.
AnShe bought an apple.
TheThe book on the table is mine.

2. Demonstrative Adjectives

Demonstrative adjectives are words that point to specific people or things. They show which one or which ones we are talking about.

DemonstrativeExample Sentence
ThisThis car is very fast.
ThatI like that dress.
TheseThese cookies are delicious.
ThoseThose houses are old.

3. Possessive Adjectives

Possessive adjectives are words that show ownership or possession of something. They tell whose item or thing it is.

PossessiveExample Sentence
MyMy friend is coming over.
YourIs this your phone?
HisHis jacket is on the chair.
HerI like her new shoes.
ItsThe cat licked its paw.
OurOur team won the match.
TheirTheir house is big.

4. Indefinite Adjectives

Indefinite adjectives are words that describe non-specific people or things. They don’t tell the exact number or identity.

IndefiniteExample Sentence
SomeI need some water.
AnyDo you have any sugar?
ManyMany people attended the event.
FewOnly a few students passed the test.
SeveralShe bought several gifts.
EachEach child received a toy.
EveryEvery seat was taken.
AllAll the cookies are gone.
NoThere is no milk left.

5. Numerical Adjectives

Numerical adjectives are words that show the exact number or order of people or things. They tell how many or in what order something is.

NumericalExample Sentence
OneI have one brother.
TwoShe bought two tickets.
FirstHe finished in first place.
SecondThe second chapter is interesting.

6. Interrogative Adjectives

The Interrogative adjectives are used to ask questions.

InterrogativeExample Sentence
WhichWhich color do you like?
WhatWhat book are you reading?
WhoseWhose bag is this?

Difference Between Limiting Adjectives and Descriptive Adjectives

FeatureLimiting AdjectivesDescriptive Adjectives
PurposeSpecify or limit the nounDescribe qualities of the noun
ExampleThis book, three applesRed book, sweet apples
Question AnsweredWhich one? How many? Whose?What kind? What type?

Example Sentences Using Limiting Adjectives

  • The baby cried all night. (Article)
  • I love these books. (Demonstrative)
  • Her phone is ringing. (Possessive)
  • He found some coins. (Indefinite)
  • We need four plates. (Numerical)
  • Whose bag is this? (Interrogative)
  • The sun is bright today. (Article)
  • I prefer that song. (Demonstrative)
  • Our teacher is kind. (Possessive)
  • They bought several gifts. (Indefinite)
  • She has five cats. (Numerical)
  • Which pen is yours? (Interrogative)
  • The book is interesting. (Article)
  • I need this notebook. (Demonstrative)
  • His car is blue. (Possessive)
  • We invited many friends. (Indefinite)
  • They ate two pizzas. (Numerical)
  • What color is this? (Interrogative)
  • The food smells good. (Article)
  • Look at those birds. (Demonstrative)
  • My shoes are dirty. (Possessive)
  • She has few pencils. (Indefinite)
  • He drank one glass. (Numerical)
  • Whose keys are these? (Interrogative)
  • The chair is broken. (Article)
  • I like that painting. (Demonstrative)

List of Limiting Adjectives in English

  • A
  • An
  • The
  • This
  • That
  • These
  • Those
  • My
  • Your
  • His
  • Her
  • Its
  • Our
  • Their
  • Some
  • Any
  • Many
  • Few
  • Several
  • Each
  • Every
  • All
  • No
  • One
  • Two
  • First
  • Second
  • Which
  • What
  • Whose
List of Limiting Adjectives in English

List of Limiting Adjectives in English

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About the author


The author of Grammrary.com is a Certified TEFL Trainer from Arizona State University with over 7 years of experience teaching English to students from different cultures around the world. Teaching English is both his profession and passion, and he is dedicated to helping learners improve their language skills.

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