English Grammar

Personal Pronouns | Definition, usage, List and Worksheet

Personal Pronoun
Written by grammrary.com

Do you know the savior of content, from being monotonous or repetitive? You do! These are PERSONAL PRONOUNS. Generally, Pronouns serve this purpose. They replace the nouns in the text, being the “subject” of the sentence. Whereas, personal pronouns replace the proper nouns. Learning What is a personal pronoun, the Usage of Personal Pronouns, the Personal Pronouns List and Exercise play a key role to excel in Grammar. Let’s start!

What Are Personal Pronouns?

Short words use to replace Proper Nouns in the content to avoid their repetition. It saves the content from being wordy, monotonous, and repetitive.

Definition of a Personal Pronoun:

Pronoun Definition: “These are words like “I”, “he”, “she”, “you”, “they”, and “it” that direct to the proper noun in the context.”

Personal Pronoun Examples:

Following are the examples of Personal Pronouns.

  • I
  • Me
  • You
  • We
  • Us
  • He
  • Him
  • She
  • He
  • They
  • Them
  • It

Personal Pronoun Example Sentences:

These are the personal pronouns Sentences.

  • I am going to the market to buy clothes.
  • She is going to university.
  • He is completing his assignment.
  • She is baking a cake.
  • They are going to picnic.

Types of Personal Pronouns:

These are:

  • First-person pronoun
  • Second-person pronoun
  • Third-person pronouns

They are used in two forms:

  • Singular Personal Pronouns
  • Plural Personal Pronouns
Person Singular Plural
Subject Pronouns Object Pronouns  Subject Pronouns Object Pronouns
First Person I Me We Us
Second Person You You You You
Third Person He








They Them

Correct Usage of Personal Pronouns:

There are Four factors to ensure the correct use. These are:

  • Person (first, second, or third)
  • Gender (masculine, feminine, neuter, or epicene)
  • Number (singular or plural)
  • Case (subject, object, possessive, or reflexive)


The Personal pronoun is named as it indicates an individual.

First-person pronouns

  • It refers to the author, the person who is speaking or writing.
Subject Object Possessive Reflexive
Singular I me mine myself
Plural we us ours ourselves

Second-person pronouns

These refer to the person, the writer or speaker is talking about.

Subject Object Possessive Reflexive
Singular you you yours yourself
Plural you you yours yourselves

Third-person pronouns

The third-person pronoun can refer to any other individual or thing.

 Category Singular/Plural Subject Object Possessive Reflexive
Masculine Singular he him his himself
Feminine  Singular she her hers herself
Neuter  Singular it it its itself
Gender-neutral  Singular they them theirs themselves
Plural Plural they them theirs themselves


There are singular and plural personal pronouns based on the number of individuals or things it refers to.

  • Singular pronoun: It involves only one individual or thing.
  • Plural pronoun: It involves two or more individuals or things.


Here is the right way to choose, based on gender.

Masculine pronouns refer to men and boys. These are pronouns for male gender or pronouns for a man. Below is the male pronouns list.

Subject Pronoun Object Pronoun Possessive Pronoun Reflexive Pronoun
He Him His Himself

Feminine pronouns indicate females, women, and girls. Here is a female pronouns list.

Subject Pronoun Object Pronoun Possessive Pronoun Reflexive Pronoun
She Her Her Herself

Gender-neutral pronouns are used when you aren’t sure about the gender, or it is not required to specify gender in context.

Subject Pronouns Object Pronoun Possessive Pronoun Reflexive Pronoun
I Me Her Herself
You You Yours Yourself
It It Mine Myself
We Us Us Ourselves
They Them Theirs Themselves

Neuter pronouns describe non-human things like animals, places objects, and concepts.

Subject Pronoun Object Pronoun Possessive Pronoun Reflexive Pronoun
It It It Itself
Did you notice? Only third-person singular pronouns indicate gender, while Plural Pronouns are always gender-neutral


It is the role pronouns play in sentences. It can be:

  • Subject pronouns (person or thing that performs the action)
  • Object pronouns (Person or thing on which action is performed.)
  • Possessive pronouns (Indicates the ownership)
  • Reflexive pronouns (Pronouns used in the place of object pronouns)
Personal Pronouns

Personal Pronouns


Personal Pronouns List:

Here is the list of personal pronouns in English.

First-Person Singular:

  • I
  • Me
  • My
  • Mine
  • Myself

Second-Person Singular:

  • You
  • Your
  • Yours
  • Yourself

Third-Person Singular Masculine:

  • He
  • Him
  • His
  • Himself

The Third-Person Singular Feminine:

  • He
  • Her
  • Herself

Third-Person Singular Neutral:

  • It
  • Its
  • Itself

First-Person Plural:

  • We
  • Us
  • Our
  • Ours
  • Ourselves

Second-Person Plural:

  • You
  • Your
  • Yours
  • Yourselves

Third-Person Plural:

  • They
  • Them
  • Their
  • Theirs
  • Themselves

Personal Pronouns Worksheet:

Solve these personal pronouns exercises. This is a Personal Pronoun Quiz for the above text. After exploring the above content, try to write 20 examples of personal pronouns in a sentence, from the above.

1- Which type of Personal Pronoun refers to Collective Nouns?

  1. Singular Personal Pronoun
  2. Plural Personal Pronoun
  3. Both Singular and Plural Personal Pronouns
  4. None of these

Correct Answer: Singular Personal Pronoun

2- Which of the following displays gender?

  1. Only Third-Person Singular Pronouns
  2. First and Second-Person Pronouns
  3. All Types of Personal Pronoun
  4. None of these

Correct Answer: only third-person singular pronouns

3- Plural Pronouns are always ——–.

  1. Gender-neutral
  2. Gender-specific
  3. Can be both
  4. None of these

Correct Answer: Gender-neutral

4- Which one is the neuter pronoun?

  1. It
  2. He
  3. She
  4. They

Correct Answer: It

5- Which one is a third-person plural pronoun?

  1. It
  2. He
  3. She
  4. They

Correct Answer: They

Personal Pronoun Quiz

Personal Pronoun Worksheet


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