Understanding the masculine and feminine genders of animals helps us learn more about nature and wildlife. In English, some animals have special names for males and females. For example, a male lion is called a lion, while a female lion is called a lioness. Learning these names can be fun and interesting, especially with pictures to help you remember them better. This article will introduce you to different Masculine and Feminine Gender of Animals with Their Pictures in a simple and easy way.
what is Masculine Gender?
Masculine gender refers to words that describe male persons or animals. It is used in grammar to show that someone or something is male. This helps in identifying and using words correctly in sentences.
What is Feminine Gender?
Feminine gender refers to words that describe female persons or animals. It is used in grammar to show that someone or something is female. This helps in identifying and using words correctly in sentences.
Masculine and Feminine Gender of Animals List
- Lion, Lion, Lioness
- Tiger, Tiger, Tigress
- Dog, Dog, Bitch
- Cat, Tomcat, Queen
- Horse, Stallion, Mare
- Cow, Bull, Cow
- Sheep, Ram, Ewe
- Chicken, Rooster, Hen
- Duck, Drake, Duck
- Goat, Billy, Nanny
- Deer, Buck, Doe
- Elephant, Bull, Cow
- Fox, Dog, Vixen
- Peafowl, Peacock, Peahen
- Goose, Gander, Goose
- Swan, Cob, Pen
- Donkey, Jack, Jenny
- Rabbit, Buck, Doe
- Whale, Bull, Cow
- Antelope, Buck, Doe
Masculine and Feminine Gender of Animals Names
- Lion (Lion, Lioness) – A large wild cat; the male has a mane, and the female is the hunter.

- Tiger (Tiger, Tigress) – A powerful striped wild cat; the male is larger, and the female cares for cubs.

- Dog (Dog, Bitch) – A loyal pet; the male is called a dog, and the female is called a bitch.

- Cat (Tomcat, Queen) – A small, playful pet; the male is a tomcat, and the female is a queen.

- Horse (Stallion, Mare) – A strong animal used for riding; the male is a stallion, and the female is a mare.

- Cow (Bull, Cow) – A farm animal that gives milk; the male is a bull, and the female is a cow.

- Sheep (Ram, Ewe) – A woolly farm animal; the male is a ram, and the female is an ewe.

- Chicken (Rooster, Hen) – A bird that lays eggs; the male is a rooster, and the female is a hen.

- Duck (Drake, Duck) – A water bird; the male is a drake, and the female is a duck.

- Goat (Billy, Nanny) – A playful farm animal; the male is a billy, and the female is a nanny.

- Deer (Buck, Doe) – A fast-running wild animal; the male is a buck, and the female is a doe.

- Elephant (Bull, Cow) – A large, gentle giant; the male is a bull, and the female is a cow.

- Fox (Dog, Vixen) – A clever wild animal; the male is a dog, and the female is a vixen.

- Peafowl (Peacock, Peahen) – A colorful bird; the male is a peacock with bright feathers, and the female is a peahen.

- Goose (Gander, Goose) – A bird that lives near water; the male is a gander, and the female is a goose.

- Swan (Cob, Pen) – A graceful white bird; the male is a cob, and the female is a pen.

- Donkey (Jack, Jenny) – A hardworking animal; the male is a jack, and the female is a jenny.

- Rabbit (Buck, Doe) – A small, fast animal; the male is a buck, and the female is a doe.

- Whale (Bull, Cow) – A giant sea animal; the male is a bull, and the female is a cow.

- Antelope (Buck, Doe) – A deer-like animal that runs fast; the male is a buck, and the female is a doe.

List of Masculine and Feminine Gender of Animals
- Penguin, Cock, Hen
- Zebra, Stallion, Mare
- Wolf, Dog, Bitch
- Hawk, Tiercel, Hen
- Falcon, Tiercel, Falcon
- Ferret, Hob, Jill
- Badger, Boar, Sow
- Owl, Cock, Hen
- Eagle, Cock, Hen
- Llama, Macho, Female
- Seal, Bull, Cow
- Rhinoceros, Bull, Cow
- Dolphin, Bull, Cow
- Hippopotamus, Bull, Cow
- Giraffe, Bull, Cow
- Cheetah, Male, Female
- Leopard, Leopard, Leopardess
- Pigeon, Cock, Hen
- Turkey, Tom, Hen
- Bee, Drone, Queen
100 Masculine and Feminine Gender of Animals and Pictures
- Penguin (Cock, Hen) – A flightless bird that lives in cold regions; the male is a cock, and the female is a hen.

- Zebra (Stallion, Mare) – A wild horse with black and white stripes; the male is a stallion, and the female is a mare.

- Wolf (Dog, Bitch) – A wild animal related to dogs; the male is a dog, and the female is a bitch.

- Hawk (Tiercel, Hen) – A fast-flying bird of prey; the male is a tiercel, and the female is a hen.

- Falcon (Tiercel, Falcon) – A bird of prey known for speed; the male is a tiercel, and the female is a falcon.

- Ferret (Hob, Jill) – A small, playful animal; the male is a hob, and the female is a jill.

- Badger (Boar, Sow) – A burrowing animal with a striped face; the male is a boar, and the female is a sow.

- Owl (Cock, Hen) – A nocturnal bird with sharp vision; the male is a cock, and the female is a hen.

- Eagle (Cock, Hen) – A large, powerful bird; the male is a cock, and the female is a hen.

- Llama (Macho, Female) – A South American animal used for carrying loads; the male is a macho, and the female is called a

- Seal (Bull, Cow) – A sea animal that loves to swim; the male is a bull, and the female is a cow.

- Rhinoceros (Bull, Cow) – A large animal with a horn; the male is a bull, and the female is a cow.

- Dolphin (Bull, Cow) – An intelligent sea mammal; the male is a bull, and the female is a cow.

- Hippopotamus (Bull, Cow) – A large water-loving animal; the male is a bull, and the female is a cow.

- Giraffe (Bull, Cow) – The tallest land animal; the male is a bull, and the female is a cow.

- Cheetah (Male, Female) – The fastest land animal; the male is called a male, and the female is called a female.

- Leopard (Leopard, Leopardess) – A spotted wild cat; the male is a leopard, and the female is a leopardess.

- Pigeon (Cock, Hen) – A common bird found in cities; the male is a cock, and the female is a hen.

- Turkey (Tom, Hen) – A large bird raised for food; the male is a tom, and the female is a hen.

- Bee (Drone, Queen) – An insect that makes honey; the male is a drone, and the female is a queen.

100 Masculine and Feminine Gender of Animals and Pictures
Gender of animals list
- Mule, Jack, Mare
- Camel, Bull, Cow
- Bison, Bull, Cow
- Moose, Bull, Cow
- Reindeer, Buck, Doe
- Kangaroo, Boomer, Flyer
- Ostrich, Rooster, Hen
- Ant, Drone, Queen
- Porcupine, Boar, Sow
- Guinea Pig, Boar, Sow
- Wombat, Male, Female
- Koala, Male, Female
- Crocodile, Bull, Cow
- Walrus, Bull, Cow
- Salmon, Cock, Hen
- Shark, Bull, Female
- Parrot, Cock, Hen
- Chinchilla, Buck, Doe
- Meerkat, Boar, Sow
- Sea Lion, Bull, Cow
Gender of animals with their Pictures
- Mule (Jack, Mare) – A strong animal, a mix of a horse and a donkey; the male parent is a jack, and the female parent is a mare.

- Camel (Bull, Cow) – A desert animal with a hump; the male is a bull, and the female is a cow.

- Bison (Bull, Cow) – A large, wild animal with a shaggy coat; the male is a bull, and the female is a cow.

- Moose (Bull, Cow) – A large deer with big antlers; the male is a bull, and the female is a cow.

- Reindeer (Buck, Doe) – A deer that pulls sleds in snowy places; the male is a buck, and the female is a doe.

- Kangaroo (Boomer, Flyer) – A hopping animal from Australia; the male is a boomer, and the female is a flyer.

- Ostrich (Rooster, Hen) – The largest bird that cannot fly; the male is a rooster, and the female is a hen.

- Ant (Drone, Queen) – A small insect that lives in colonies; the male is a drone, and the female leader is a queen.

- Porcupine (Boar, Sow) – A rodent with sharp quills; the male is a boar, and the female is a sow.

- Guinea Pig (Boar, Sow) – A small pet with soft fur; the male is a boar, and the female is a sow.

- Wombat (Male, Female) – A burrowing animal from Australia; the male is called a male, and the female is called a female.

- Koala (Male, Female) – A tree-dwelling animal from Australia; the male is called a male, and the female is called a female.

- Crocodile (Bull, Cow) – A large reptile that lives in water; the male is a bull, and the female is a cow.

- Walrus (Bull, Cow) – A big sea animal with tusks; the male is a bull, and the female is a cow.

- Salmon (Cock, Hen) – A fish that swims upstream to lay eggs; the male is a cock, and the female is a hen.

- Shark (Bull, Female) – A large fish with sharp teeth; the male is a bull, and the female is called a female.

- Parrot (Cock, Hen) – A colorful bird that can talk; the male is a cock, and the female is a hen.

- Chinchilla (Buck, Doe) – A small, soft-furred rodent; the male is a buck, and the female is a doe.

- Meerkat (Boar, Sow) – A small, social animal that stands on two legs; the male is a boar, and the female is a sow.

- Sea Lion (Bull, Cow) – A sea animal that barks like a dog; the male is a bull, and the female is a cow.

Animals genders list in English
- Aardvark, Boar, Sow
- Narwhal, Bull, Cow
- Seahorse, Male, Female
- Platypus, Male, Female
- Jackal, Dog, Bitch
- Wolverine, Boar, Sow
- Armadillo, Boar, Sow
- Tapir, Boar, Sow
- Bandicoot, Boar, Sow
- Octopus, Male, Female
- Spider, Male, Female
- Hyena, Dog, Bitch
- Flamingo, Cock, Hen
- Crab, Cock, Hen
- Squirrel, Buck, Doe
- Weasel, Boar, Sow
- Skunk, Boar, Sow
- Mouse, Buck, Doe
- Rat, Buck, Doe
- Crow, Cock, Hen
100 wild Animals names and genders list in English
- Aardvark (Boar, Sow) – A nocturnal animal with a long snout; the male is a boar, and the female is a sow.

- Narwhal (Bull, Cow) – A sea mammal with a long, spiral tusk; the male is a bull, and the female is a cow.

- Seahorse (Male, Female) – A small fish where the male carries babies; the male is called a male, and the female is called a female.

- Platypus (Male, Female) – A unique animal that lays eggs; the male is called a male, and the female is called a female.

- Jackal (Dog, Bitch) – A wild dog-like animal; the male is a dog, and the female is a bitch.

- Wolverine (Boar, Sow) – A strong, fierce animal; the male is a boar, and the female is a sow.

- Armadillo (Boar, Sow) – A small animal with a hard shell; the male is a boar, and the female is a sow.

- Tapir (Boar, Sow) – A large, pig-like animal; the male is a boar, and the female is a sow.

- Bandicoot (Boar, Sow) – A small, fast-moving marsupial; the male is a boar, and the female is a sow.

- Octopus (Male, Female) – A sea animal with eight arms; the male is called a male, and the female is called a female.

- Spider (Male, Female) – A small creature that spins webs; the male is called a male, and the female is called a female.

- Hyena (Dog, Bitch) – A wild animal that laughs; the male is a dog, and the female is a bitch.

- Flamingo (Cock, Hen) – A pink bird that stands on one leg; the male is a cock, and the female is a hen.

- Crab (Cock, Hen) – A sea creature with a hard shell; the male is a cock, and the female is a hen.

- Squirrel (Buck, Doe) – A small animal that climbs trees; the male is a buck, and the female is a doe.

- Weasel (Boar, Sow) – A small, fast predator; the male is a boar, and the female is a sow.

- Skunk (Boar, Sow) – A black and white animal that sprays a bad smell; the male is a boar, and the female is a sow.

- Mouse (Buck, Doe) – A small rodent with a long tail; the male is a buck, and the female is a doe.

- Rat (Buck, Doe) – A larger rodent that lives in many places; the male is a buck, and the female is a doe.

- Crow (Cock, Hen) – A black bird that is very intelligent; the male is a cock, and the female is a hen.

50 wild Animals names and genders list in English
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