English Grammar

Interrogative Adjectives and its types, usage and list and worksheet.

Interrogative Adjectives, Definition, Examples, Types and Usage
Written by grammrary.com

Do you know the Question Detectives of English Grammar? The Interrogative Adjectives! These enable us to ask about anything we want to know about. Today we will learn this type of adjectives, it’s definition, examples, usage, list and worksheet. Besides this, we will explore the difference between interrogative adjectives and interrogative pronouns.

What is meant by Interrogative Adjectives?

The type of adjective that adds information to the sentence, modifies the noun or pronoun by asking questions. These are also called interrogative determiners. “Which”, “what”, “how” and “whose” are the most common examples.

The most common Examples of Interrogative Adjectives

Some easy examples of interrogative adjective are written below:

  • What are you wearing on the Annual Dinner?
  • Which dress do you like the most?
  • Why are you so sad today?

Interrogative Adjectives Examples Sentences:

  1. Whose textbook is this?
  2. Which journal should we choose for publication?
  3. What is your favorite color?
  4. How much sugar should I add to your coffee?
  5. How many participants enrolled for the contest?
  6. How long is the today’s serial?
  7. How old are you?
  8. How often do you go to the gym?
Interrogative Adjectives and its types

Interrogative Adjective, it’s types, usage, list and worksheet

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Interrogative Adjectives List:

  • Whose
  • Which
  • What
  • How much
  • How often
  • How many
  • How old
  • How often
List of Interrogative adjectives

Interrogative adjective List

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The Two main Types of Interrogative Adjectives:

These are:

  • “Wh” Interrogative Adjective
  • “How” Interrogative Adjective

“Wh” Interrogative Adjective:

These include:

  • Whose
  • Which
  • What

“How” Interrogative Adjective:

The interrogative adjective “how.” It also includes words that start with “how.” These include:

  • How much
  • How often
  • How many
  • How old
  • How often

Interrogative Pronoun vs Interrogative Adjective?

The pronouns replace the nouns while adjectives modify them.

Feature Interrogative Pronoun Interrogative Adjective
Function Replace nouns in questions Modify nouns in questions
  • Who is going to the dinner party?
  • How are you feeling today?
  • Whose book is this?
  • Which dress should we purchase?
Usage Ask questions about things or people Ask specific information
Interrogative Adjectives and Interrogative Pronouns

Explore the difference between Interrogative Adjective and Interrogative Pronoun

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How to use Interrogative Adjective?

Correct use is the most important thing. Below is a table that includes the correct use, and example sentence. Follow these Interrogative adjectives rules to excel.

Interrogative Adjective Use Example
Whose Refers to Possession or ownership Whose pasta is this?
Which Asks about options or Choices Which dress should I wear?
What Refer to identity, quality, or type What color do you like?
How much Asks about Unmount nouns How much sauce do you need?
How many Refers to Count nouns How many chairs did she buy?
How long It asks about the duration How long you’ll wait?
How old Refers to age How old are you?
How often Asks the Frequency How often do you go to the office?

Interrogative Adjectives Worksheet with Answers PDF

Solve these interrogative adjectives questions and exercise to excel English Grammar.
The Interrogative Adjective:
  1. Replace noun
  2. Replace verb
  3. Modify noun
  4. Modify verb

Right Answer: C

Which one is not an interrogative adjective?
  1. why
  2. what
  3. which
  4. how

Right Answer: A

Which one is an interrogative adjective?
  1. why
  2. Where
  3. which
  4. All of these

Right Answer: C

Interrogative Adjectives Worksheet

Interrogative Adjective MCQs

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Worksheet with Answers PDF:

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About the author


The author of Grammrary.com is a Certified TEFL Trainer from Arizona State University with over 7 years of experience teaching English to students from different cultures around the world. Teaching English is both his profession and passion, and he is dedicated to helping learners improve their language skills.

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