English Grammar

Abstract Nouns | Definition, Examples, Usage, Formation and List

Abstract nouns
Written by grammrary.com

Love, happiness, feelings, emotions trust, pleasure, etc. What are these nouns you can’t perceive by the five human senses? Abstract Nouns! These represent intangible entities, that human senses can’t sense. For Example, time, love, happiness, sadness, anxiety, pleasure, discomfort, etc. These differ from concrete nouns that can be perceived with human senses, like table, chair, pen, book, etc.

What are Abstract Nouns?

Let’s explore Abstract Nouns Definition and Examples.

Abstract nouns Definition:

These represent intangible entities, ideas you can’t sense with five senses. We can’t interact with these concepts in the physical world with our five senses. For example, can you sense love or happiness with your senses? No! You can’t touch, see, hear, smell, or taste these concepts, although these concepts are present in the real world.

Abstract Nouns Examples: 

Here are some examples of Abstract Nouns.

  • Love
  • Happiness
  • Nervousness
  • independence
  • Excitement
  • life
  • death
  • information
  • trust

Example Sentences of Abstract Nouns:

  • She is in love with her family.
  • It takes courage to stand for your rights.
  • She is celebrating freedom after seven years of intimidation.
  • He is known for his wisdom.
  • Hard work is the key to success.

Types of abstract Noun:

Abstract nouns are of three categories:

1- Ideas: It represents concepts, such as “democracy,” “freedom,” “wisdom,” and “knowledge.”

2- Qualities: These represent qualities, like “courage,” “beauty,” “strength,” and “patience.” These describe a person or thing in detail.

3- Feelings: These refer to emotions or feelings. For example: “joy,” “sadness,” “happiness,” “pleasure,” and “love.” These describe how we feel.

Converting Verb to Abstract Noun:

Verbs can be converted to Abstract Nouns. Examples are:

Verbs Abstract Noun
Enjoy enjoyment
Inform information
Block blockade
Conscious Consciousness
Determine determination
Perceive perception
Describe description
Appoint appointment
Decide decision
Assign assignment
Determine determination
Resist Resistance

Converting Adjective to Abstract Noun:

Adjectives can be converted to Abstract Nouns as:

Adjective Abstract noun
Brave bravery
Weak weakness
Truth truthful
Free freedom
Silent silence
Happy happiness
Probable probability
Mad madness
Responsible responsibility
Able ability
Sad sadness
Possible possibility
Honest honesty

Abstract Nouns list:

Ideas Events Concepts States Qualities Feelings &Emotions
Belief Adventure Beauty Ambiguity Wisdom Anger
Beliefs Awakening Charity Being Beauty Despair
Communication Birthday Comfort Calm Brilliance Happiness
Creativity Campaign Culture Certainty Compassion Hate
Culture Career Deceit Chaos Courage Indifference
Curiosity Celebration Energy Clarity Dedication Joy
Democracy Ceremony Equality Comfort Determination Grief
Education Childhood Failure Community Enthusiasm Love
Equality Commemoration Faith Confusion Generosity Sadness
Freedom Competition Faith Depression Grace Sorrow
Friendship Conflict Freedom Despair Honesty Fear
Imagination Crisis Friendship Discomfort Humility Hope
Integrity Death Justice Dissatisfaction Joyfulness Surprise
Interest Demonstration Liberty Euphoria Kindness Shame
Justice Disaster Motivation Failure Loyalty Guilt
Knowledge Discovery Opportunity Freedom Optimism Envy
Philosophy Enlightenment Peace Harmony Patience Jealousy
Progress Evolution Perseverance Hope Respect Pain
Religion Exhibition Success Instability Strength Comfort
Sacrifice Exploration Truth Isolation Trust Pride

Formation of abstract nouns

These are formed by adding the suffixes. Here are examples. There are several ways to form abstract nouns from verbs, nouns, and adjectives.

Base words -al Abstract Noun
nation -al National
Deny -al Denial
Propose -al Proposal
Bestow -al Bestowal
Base Word Suffix Abstract Noun
indicate -ion Indication
relate -ion Relation
act -ion Action
create -ion Creation

By Adding the suffix “-ance:”

Root words -ance Abstract Noun
Appear -ance Appearance
Resist -ance Resistance
Perform -ance Performance
Ally -ance Alliance

By Adding the suffix “-ism:”

Base Word Suffix Abstract Noun
parallel -ism Parallelism
Social -ism Socialism
Lyric -ism Lyricism
Capital -ism Capitalism

By Adding the suffix “-ation:”

Root words -ation Abstract Noun
Relax -ation Relaxation
Flirt -ation Flirtation
Color -ation Coloration
Realize -ation Realization

By Adding the suffix “-ence:”

Base Word Suffix Abstract Noun
subsist -ence Subsistence
exist -ence Existence
depend -ence Eependence
refer -ence Reference
By Adding the suffix “-hood:”
Base Word Suffix Abstract Noun
Nation -hood Nationhood
Child -hood Childhood
Mother -hood Motherhood
False -hood Falsehood

By Adding the suffix “-ity:”

Base Word Suffix Abstract Noun
Christian -ity Christianity
generous -ity generosity
dense -ity density
historic -ity historicity

By Adding the suffix “-ment:”

Base Word Suffix Abstract Noun
Judge -ment Judgment
Amaze -ment Amazement
Base -ment Basement
Pave -ment Pavement

By Adding the suffix “-ness:”

Base Word Suffix Abstract Noun
Kind -ness Kindness
Reality -ness Realness
Happy -ness Happiness
Depend -ness Dependence

By Adding the suffix “-ship:”

Base Word Suffix Abstract Noun
Friend -ship Friendship
Leader -ship Leadership
Scholar -ship Scholarship
Relation -ship Relationship

Abstract Nouns Exercise:

Here is an Abstract Nouns Quiz for better understanding.

1- His happiness peaked when she won a gold medal.

A) His
B) Happiness
C) Gold
D) Medal
Answer: B) Happiness

2- Courage to take the right step leads to success.
A) Courage
B) Right
C) Step
D) Necessary
Answer: A) Courage

3- She is dancing with joy.
A) She
B) Dancing
C) Joy
D) is
Answer: B) Joy

4- Determination and hard work leads to success.
A) And
B) Leads
C) Determination
D) To
Answer: C) Determination

5- She works with honesty and passion.
A) works
B) Honesty
C) with
D) and
Answer: B) Honesty

6- His kindness and love won everyone’s hearts.”
A) Kindness
B) love
C) Hearts
D) Both A and B
Answer: D) Both A and B

Abstract nouns

Abstract noun, definition, examples, types, formation, and list

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