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English Sentences

200 Normal vs advanced English Sentences for Everyday Speaking

Normal vs advanced English Sentences for Everyday Speaking
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Learning the Daily use Normal vs advanced English Sentences can make your English speaking more fluent and like natives. We Always Speak normal English in our daily life. for Example, Please wait for me. this is normal English and if i say Kindly bear with me. Now if you want to improve your English speaking level so you have to learn Advanced English Sentences. in this article i brought 200 Normal vs advanced English Sentences for Everyday Speaking. All are given below, lets learn

Difference between Normal vs advanced English Sentences

The Normal Normal vs advanced English Sentences are 2 way to describe the same things. while advanced English sentences use richer vocabulary and and normal use simple and basic vocabulary.

For example:

  • Normal: This is a cute Baby.
  • Advanced: This is an adorable Baby.

Now here in Both Normal vs Advanced English express the same idea, but advanced sentences sound more polished and be like natives. so i also offer you you to learn advanced English Speaking Sentences.

Normal vs Advanced English Sentences

Normal EnglishAdvanced English
I’m feeling tired.I’m exhausted beyond words.
Please wait for me.Kindly bear with me.
I need help.Assistance is much needed.
Can we talk later?Shall we discuss this later?
Let’s start working.Let’s commence the task.
I don’t understand this.This doesn’t make sense to me.
I’m very hungry.I’m absolutely starving.
It’s very hot today.The heat is unbearable today.
I’m happy with this.I’m thoroughly satisfied.
He’s a good person.He’s an admirable individual.
I’m busy right now.I’m currently preoccupied.
The room is messy.The room is in disarray.
You made a mistake.You committed an error.
He need to go now.He must depart immediately.
I like this color.This color appeals to me.
She’s very smart.She’s incredibly intelligent.
Can you pass the salt?May I have the salt, please?
I finished my work.I’ve completed my task.
This is too expensive.This is excessively priced.
We need to leave soon.We should depart shortly.
Normal vs Advanced English Sentences

Normal vs Advanced English Sentences

200 Normal vs Advanced English Sentences for daily use

Normal EnglishAdvanced English
I have no money.I’m completely broke.
This food tastes good.The meal is delectable.
The movie was great.The film was outstanding.
I’m sorry for this.I sincerely apologize.
Can I join you?May I accompany you?
He’s very tired.He’s utterly fatigued.
I’m going to sleep.I’m off to slumber.
I’ll help you tomorrow.I shall assist you tomorrow.
Please be quiet.Kindly remain silent.
The weather is nice.The weather is pleasant.
It’s raining hard.It’s pouring outside.
Can I borrow this?May I borrow this item?
I don’t like this.This doesn’t appeal to me.
I missed the bus.I missed the transportation.
Let’s go out today.Shall we step out today?
This is too heavy.This is overly burdensome.
I’m getting late.I’m running behind schedule.
She’s feeling cold.She’s shivering from cold.
He’s always early.He’s consistently punctual.
They are waiting outside.They are waiting outdoors.
200 Normal vs Advanced English Sentences for daily use

200 Normal vs Advanced English Sentences for daily use

Daily use of Normal English and Advanced English

Normal EnglishAdvanced English
I lost my keys.I misplaced my keys.
This place is crowded.The area is densely populated.
The exam was easy.The test was effortless.
Let’s go for a walk.Shall we take a stroll?
He talks too much.He’s excessively talkative.
I can’t find it.I’m unable to locate it.
It’s my turn now.It’s now my opportunity.
I’m feeling better.I’m recovering well.
I’m afraid of heights.I have acrophobia.
You did a good job.Your work was commendable.
I’ll see you later.I shall see you shortly.
She is talking to him.She’s conversing with him.
Can you hear me?Am I audible to you?
I agree with you.I concur with your opinion.
Let me think about it.Allow me to ponder on it.
He’s acting strange.He’s behaving unusually.
This bag is heavy.This bag is weighty.
I’m not feeling well.I’m under the weather.
It’s my favorite song.It’s my preferred melody.
She looks beautiful.She appears stunning.
Daily use of Normal English and Advanced English

Daily use of Normal English and Advanced English

Daily used Basic Sentences and Advanced Sentences

Normal EnglishAdvanced English
I’m learning English.I’m acquiring English skills.
This shirt is small.This shirt is undersized.
The coffee is too hot.The coffee is scorching.
That’s a good idea.That’s an excellent suggestion.
I need some rest.I require a break.
Let’s get started.Let’s initiate the process.
Can I help you?May I assist you?
The answer is wrong.The response is incorrect.
It’s time to leave.It’s time to depart.
He’s reading a book.He’s engrossed in a book.
Please call me later.Kindly contact me later.
I’m done with work.I’ve completed the task.
She’s an excellent cook.She’s a culinary expert.
I’m feeling cold.I’m freezing right now.
He’s driving too fast.He’s speeding excessively.
It’s a beautiful morning.The morning is delightful.
I’m free tomorrow.I’m available tomorrow.
It’s my decision.The choice is mine.
Let’s fix this problem.Let’s resolve this issue.
The book is interesting.The book is captivating.
Daily used Basic Sentences and Advanced Sentences

Daily used Basic Sentences and Advanced Sentences

Everyday used Normal vs Advanced English

Normal EnglishAdvanced English
I’m running late.I’m behind schedule.
The class is boring.The lecture is monotonous.
That’s a funny joke.That joke is amusing.
He is feeling tired.He’s feeling fatigued.
I’ll help you out.I will assist you.
Can we sit here?May we occupy this spot?
It’s very quiet here.It’s remarkably peaceful.
I’m not interested.I lack interest in this.
It’s hard to say.It’s difficult to articulate.
Let’s have some coffee.Shall we enjoy some coffee?
I don’t believe this.I find this incredible.
That’s a serious issue.That’s a grave concern.
I’m completely lost.I’m utterly disoriented.
The view is beautiful.The scenery is breathtaking.
This plan won’t work.This strategy is ineffective.
I need more time.Additional time is required.
You are very kind.You’re exceptionally generous.
The meeting was great.The session was remarkable.
We have to hurry.We must expedite our pace.
This is amazing news.This is astounding information.
Everyday used Normal vs Advanced English

Everyday used Normal vs Advanced English

100 Normal vs Advanced English Sentences

Normal EnglishAdvanced English
I’m so happy today.I’m elated today.
Let’s go to the park.Shall we visit the park?
This food is spicy.The meal is quite piquant.
He needs a break.He requires a pause.
I can’t believe it.I find it unbelievable.
The water is cold.The water is icy.
It’s very loud here.The noise level is extreme.
She’s always on time.She’s consistently punctual.
I can’t stay long.I cannot remain for long.
The kids are playing.The children are at play.
I’ll think about it.I’ll contemplate it.
The music is relaxing.The music is soothing.
It’s getting dark.Dusk is approaching.
I’m really busy today.I’m fully occupied today.
I don’t like waiting.I detest waiting.
He looks really happy.He appears ecstatic.
This is a big problem.This is a significant issue.
I forgot to call him.I neglected to call him.
It’s time for dinner.Dinner time has arrived.
She’s learning quickly.She’s rapidly acquiring knowledge.
100 Normal vs Advanced English Sentences

100 Normal vs Advanced English Sentences

Normal English and Advanced English Speaking Practice

Normal EnglishAdvanced English
I can’t do this.I’m unable to accomplish this.
He’s in a hurry.He’s rushing.
The house is clean.The house is spotless.
I love reading books.I adore reading literature.
It’s a simple task.It’s a straightforward task.
The road is narrow.The path is constricted.
He’s my best friend.He’s my closest companion.
Let’s meet tomorrow.Let’s convene tomorrow.
It’s not my fault.I’m not at fault.
I’ll handle it myself.I’ll manage it personally.
We should leave now.We ought to depart now.
The car is new.The vehicle is brand new.
She gave a great speech.She delivered an excellent address.
He’s very tall.He’s extraordinarily tall.
I’ll explain it later.I’ll clarify it later.
This room is big.This room is spacious.
Can I see your ID?May I inspect your ID?
I’m late for the meeting.I’m delayed for the meeting.
The coffee is ready.The coffee is prepared.
They’re very friendly.They’re extremely welcoming.
Basic level and advanced level English Sentences

Normal English and Advanced English Speaking Practice

20 Basic and Advanced English Sentences

Normal EnglishAdvanced English
I need some advice.I require some counsel.
This is a bad idea.This idea is ill-advised.
It’s raining outside.It’s drizzling outside.
I’m really excited.I’m absolutely thrilled.
He’s always busy.He’s perpetually occupied.
This bag is old.This bag is antiquated.
I trust your judgment.I have confidence in your judgment.
He made a big mistake.He made a grave error.
This feels uncomfortable.This is rather unpleasant.
I’ll talk to him later.I’ll speak with him later.
The lights went out.The power went off.
I’m running out of time.I’m short on time.
She’s very helpful.She’s remarkably helpful.
This book is hard.This book is challenging.
I need some water.I require some hydration.
Let’s try something new.Let’s attempt something novel.
He’s working hard.He’s putting in great effort.
That’s a smart decision.That’s a wise decision.
I’ll clean it later.I’ll tidy it later.
We have to go now.We must depart immediately.
Basic level and next level English

20 Basic and Advanced English Sentences

Basic level vs Advanced level English Sentences

Normal EnglishAdvanced English
I’m feeling dizzy.I’m experiencing vertigo.
This is very important.This is of utmost importance.
He’s a good listener.He’s an attentive listener.
The bag is full.The bag is packed.
Let’s sit over there.Shall we sit over there?
I’m late for dinner.I’m delayed for dinner.
She’s very curious.She’s extremely inquisitive.
He’s not at home.He’s away from home.
The store is closed.The shop is no longer operational.
I don’t feel like going.I’m not inclined to go.
This road is long.The road is lengthy.
I’m sorry for being late.I apologize for my tardiness.
We’re leaving soon.We’ll be departing shortly.
This is a cheap phone.This phone is inexpensive.
The weather is cold.The temperature is frigid.
I’ll get ready soon.I’ll prepare shortly.
The answer is correct.The response is accurate.
He’s very confident.He’s extremely self-assured.
This place is dirty.The area is filthy.
Can you help me now?Can you assist me now?
Basic level and next level English

Basic level vs Advanced level English Sentences

Useful Normal and Advanced English Sentences

Normal EnglishAdvanced English
I’m very thirsty.I’m parched.
That’s a big house.That’s a massive residence.
He’s my brother.He’s my sibling.
I’m really surprised.I’m genuinely astonished.
Let’s take a photo.Let’s capture a moment.
This is too complicated.This is exceedingly complex.
It’s my favorite movie.It’s my preferred film.
He’s speaking too fast.He’s speaking at a rapid pace.
I forgot my phone.I neglected to bring my phone.
She’s very shy.She’s extremely introverted.
The room is bright.The room is well-lit.
I’ll meet you later.I shall meet you later.
It’s time to relax.It’s time to unwind.
She’s very kind.She’s exceptionally kindhearted.
This looks interesting.This appears fascinating.
The water is warm.The water is lukewarm.
I’m learning new things.I’m acquiring new knowledge.
Let’s have a break.Let’s take a pause.
The door is open.The entrance is unlocked.
I don’t feel well.I’m feeling unwell.
Basic level and next level English

Useful Normal and Advanced English Sentences

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About the author

The author of is a Certified TEFL Trainer from Arizona State University with over 7 years of experience teaching English to students from different cultures around the world. Teaching English is both his profession and passion, and he is dedicated to helping learners improve their language skills.

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