English Grammar

What are Modal Verbs and their functions and usage?

Modal Verbs Definition and Examples
Written by grammrary.com

Will, can, would, must, could, might, ought, should, etc. These are modal verbs. You may use these words hundreds of times in a day, Look, I did it right now! So let’s explore definitions and examples of modal verb, their functions, usage, and list.

Definition of a Modal Verb

Modal verbs modify the other verbs in a sentence. These include can, may, must, should, and would, etc.

Examples of Modal Verbs

Example Sentences:

Here are the modal verb examples sentences.

  • She can complete all these tests alone.
  • The discovery ride may be dangerous.
  • You should help others.
  • It might hail today.
Modal Verbs

Modal Verbs Definition and Examples

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Types of Modal Verbs:

Epistemic Modal Verb They show the level of certainty or uncertainty.
Deontic Modal Verb These represent prohibition, obligation, and permission.
Dynamic Modal Verb They represent ability, capacity, or willingness.
Types of Modal Verbs

Modal Verbs and its types

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Modal verb list in English:

  • Can
  • Might
  • May
  • Ought
  • Must
  • Could
  • Shall
  • Should
  • Will
  • Would

How Modal Verb is used?

Modal verb Function Example
May Represent possibility, ask permission, or request something. Sara may leave early today.
Might Represent possibility I might go to shopping today.
Must Indicate likelihood and obligation You must provide customer support services to excel.
Will Represent the future action and use for making a polite request She will manage the whole event.
Would The past form of will, and used to request Would you lend me these books?
Shall Represent future action and ask a question Shall we schedule a complimentary call today?
Should Used to give a suggestion 0r likelihood You should optimize the content.
Can Indicate ability, possibility, permission, and request. Lisa can create compelling content.
Ought It shows obligation. We ought to save water to save Earth.
Could Shows possibility Could you please provide personalized services?
Use of Modal Verb

Usage of Modal Verb

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Modal Verbs Worksheet:

Solve these modal verb exercises to excel.

The modal verb “may” represent:

  • Obligation
  • Possibility
  • None of these
  • Both of above

The modal verb “must” represent:

  • Obligation
  • Likelihood
  • None of these
  • Both of above
Modal Verb Worksheet

Modal Verb Worksheet

About the author


The author of Grammrary.com is a Certified TEFL Trainer from Arizona State University with over 7 years of experience teaching English to students from different cultures around the world. Teaching English is both his profession and passion, and he is dedicated to helping learners improve their language skills.

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