English Grammar

Correlative Conjunctions and their role in English Grammar

Correlative conjunctions
Written by grammrary.com

Today we will learn the third type of conjunction, “correlative conjunctions.” Previously, we have learned about coordinating and subordinating conjunctions. Today, we will know correlative conjunctions, their usage, function, list, and worksheet.

We use correlative conjunction in our daily communication. Like, when you said, “I would eat pizza or pasta tonight” you’ve used correlative conjunction. So, their correct usage makes our communications vivid and clear.

What are correlative conjunctions PDF?

Correlative conjunctions illustrate how two words or phrases within a sentence relate to each other. Correlative conjunctions always come in pairs.

They function to represent the relation between two phrases or words. These words or phrases do not necessarily need to be dependent, they can function independently. A correlative conjunction comes, which connects, giving a clear picture and strength to the content.

Correlative Conjunction Definition:

Correlative conjunctions connect similar phrases or groups, representing their relationship. These types of conjunctions work in pairs.

Correlative conjunctions

Correlative conjunction, definition, examples, usage, list, and worksheet

Correlative Conjunction PDF:

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Correlative conjunctions are used in pairs:

Whether Or
Both And
Not only But also
As As
Neither Nor
Either Or
Just So
The more The more
No sooner Than
Rather Than
Pairs of Correlative conjunction

Correlative conjunction is used in pair

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Correlative Conjunctions Example Sentences:

  • Both my father and I love cakes.
  • Either we go to the shopping mall tomorrow or we will do online shopping.
  • Neither John nor Henry likes cakes.
  • She will either go to the university or the office tomorrow.
  • Whether you have made any purchases, you must put all your luggage here.
  • Not only did he give me a dress, but he also took me to dinner!
  • Either she is with me or she is with her.

List of Correlative Conjunctions PDF:

Here is the list, learn to have a better understanding and use in your daily languages to ace language.

  • Whether / Or
  • Both / And
  • Not only / But also
  • As/ As
  • Neither / Nor
  • Either / Or
  • Just / So
  • The more/ The more
  • No sooner / Than
  • Rather / Than
List of Correlative conjunction

Correlative conjunction list

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Correlative Conjunction Worksheet PDF:

Here is the exercise of a correlative conjunction. Solve this to excel in English Grammar.

1- She is neither strict _______ polite.

A- Or
B- Nor
C- Not
D- Yet
Answer: B

2- _______ this is the reason, _______ I will not blame you for anything.

A- If / then
B- No sooner / than
C- Scarcely / when
D- Whether / or
Answer: A.

3- Had she decided _______ to buy that dress _______ not?

A- If / then
B- Either/or
C- Whether / or
D- What with / and
Answer: C.

4- _______ had I closed my laptop, _______ the team lead started calling me to schedule an online meeting.

A- No sooner / than
B- If / then
C- What with / and
D- Neither / nor
Answer: A.

Correlative conjunction Quiz

Correlative conjunction Exercise

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