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English Vocabulary

Grocery Store items names in English with Pictures

Grocery Store items names in English with Pictures
Written by Mahboob_Chaudhary
Grocery store is a place where we can buy all kinds of food and household items for daily use. From fresh fruits and vegetables to dairy products like, Bacon, ham, salmon, shrimp, pasta, rice, cereal, oatmeal, flour, and sugar. Knowing Grocery Store items names makes shopping easier and helps us choose the right products for our needs. All are given Below, lets learn…

List of Grocery Store items names in English

  • Bread
  • Milk
  • Eggs
  • Butter
  • Cheese
  • Yogurt
  • Chicken breasts
  • Ground beef
  • Bacon
  • Ham
  • Salmon
  • Shrimp
  • Pasta
  • Rice
  • Cereal
  • Oatmeal
  • Flour
  • Sugar
  • Brown sugar
  • Salt

Grocery Store items names with Pictures

  • Bread
    A baked food made from flour, water, and yeast.
    Bread | Grocery Store items names
  • Milk
    A white liquid from cows, used in drinks, cooking, and baking.
    Milk | Grocery Store items names
  • Eggs
    Oval-shaped food from chickens, used in cooking and baking.
    Eggs | Grocery Store items names
  • Butter
    A creamy spread made from milk, used for cooking and spreading on bread.
    Butter | Grocery Store items names
  • Cheese
    A dairy product made from milk, often eaten in slices or melted.
    Cheese | Grocery Store items names
  • Yogurt
    A creamy, tangy dairy product made from fermented milk.
    Yogurt | Grocery Store items names
  • Chicken Breasts
    Lean, white meat from the chicken, often used in cooking.
    Chicken Breasts | Grocery Store items names
  • Ground Beef
    Beef that is finely chopped or ground, used in burgers and other dishes.
    Ground Beef | Grocery Store items names
  • Bacon
    Thin, salty slices of pork, usually fried or baked.
    Bacon | Grocery Store items names
  • Ham
    Cured or smoked pork, often sliced and used in sandwiches.
    Ham | Grocery Store items names
  • Salmon
    A type of fish that is pink in color, commonly eaten grilled or smoked.
    Salmon | Grocery Store items names
  • Shrimp
    Small seafood with a shell, often boiled or fried.
    Shrimp | Grocery Store items names
  • Pasta
    Noodles made from wheat, used in dishes like spaghetti.
    Pasta | Grocery Store items names
  • Rice
    Small white or brown grains, cooked and served with many meals.
    Rice | Grocery Store items names
  • Cereal
    Grain-based food, often eaten with milk for breakfast.
    Cereal item name
  • Oatmeal
    Cooked oats, usually eaten as a warm breakfast food.
    Oatmeal item name
  • Flour
    A powder made from wheat, used for baking.
    Flour item name
  • Sugar
    Sweet, white crystals used to sweeten food and drinks.
    Sugar item name
  • Brown Sugar
    A soft, moist sugar with a caramel flavor, used in baking.
    Brown Sugar item name
  • Salt
    A white mineral used to flavor or preserve food.
    Salt | Grocery Store items names


Names of grocery Store items List

  • Pepper
  • Olive oil
  • Vegetable oil
  • Peanut butter
  • Jelly
  • Honey
  • Maple syrup
  • Tomato sauce
  • Canned beans
  • Canned corn
  • Canned tuna
  • Canned soup
  • Chicken broth
  • Beef broth
  • Frozen pizza
  • Frozen vegetables
  • Frozen fruit
  • Frozen french fries
  • Frozen peas
  • Frozen waffles

Names of grocery Store items and Pictures

  • Pepper
    A spice that adds a sharp, spicy flavor to food.
    Pepper | Grocery Store items names
  • Olive Oil
    A liquid made from olives, used for cooking or dressing salads.
    Olive Oil | Grocery Store items names
  • Vegetable Oil
    A cooking oil made from plants, used for frying and baking.
    Vegetable Oil | Grocery Store items names
  • Peanut Butter
    A creamy spread made from ground peanuts, often eaten on bread.
    Peanut Butter | Grocery Store items names
  • Jelly
    A sweet spread made from fruit juice, used on bread or in desserts.
    Jelly | Grocery Store items names
  • Honey
    A thick, sweet liquid made by bees, used to sweeten foods.
    Honey | Grocery Store items names
  • Maple Syrup
    A sweet syrup made from the sap of maple trees, often used on pancakes.
    Maple Syrup | Grocery Store items names
  • Tomato Sauce
    A sauce made from tomatoes, used in pasta dishes and pizza.
    Tomato Sauce | Grocery Store items names
  • Canned Beans
    Beans preserved in cans, ready to eat or cook with.
    Canned Beans | Grocery Store items names
  • Canned Corn
    Corn kernels preserved in a can, used in salads and side dishes.
    Canned Corn | Grocery Store items names
  • Canned Tuna
    Tuna fish packed in a can, often used in sandwiches and salads.
    Canned Tuna | Grocery Store items names
  • Canned Soup
    Ready-to-eat soup that comes in a can, just needs heating.
    Canned Soup | Grocery Store items names
  • Chicken Broth
    A flavorful liquid made from cooking chicken, used in soups and stews.
    Chicken Broth | Grocery Store items names
  • Beef Broth
    A rich liquid made from simmering beef, used in soups and sauces.
    Beef Broth | Grocery Store items names
  • Frozen Pizza
    Pre-made pizza stored in the freezer, ready to bake.
    Frozen Pizza | Grocery Store items names
  • Frozen Vegetables
    Vegetables preserved by freezing, ready to cook.
    Frozen Vegetables | Grocery Store items names
  • Frozen Fruit
    Fruit that is frozen for storage and can be used in smoothies or desserts.
    Frozen Fruit | Grocery Store items names
  • Frozen French Fries
    Pre-cut potatoes that are frozen, ready to be fried or baked.
    Frozen French Fries | Grocery Store items names
  • Frozen Peas
    Small green peas that are frozen and can be cooked quickly.
    Frozen Peas | Grocery Store items names
  • Frozen Waffles
    Pre-cooked waffles that are frozen, just need to be toasted or heated.
    Frozen Waffles | Grocery Store items names

Names of Store items names in English

 50 names of grocery store items List

  • Frozen chicken nuggets
  • Tortillas
  • Bagels
  • Crackers
  • Potato chips
  • Pretzels
  • Popcorn
  • Salsa
  • Ketchup
  • Mustard
  • Mayonnaise
  • Hot sauce
  • Soy sauce
  • Vinegar
  • Pickles
  • Lettuce
  • Spinach
  • Broccoli
  • Carrots
  • Cucumbers

50 names of grocery store items and Pictures

  • Frozen Chicken Nuggets
    Breaded chicken pieces that are frozen and ready to bake or fry.
    Frozen Chicken Nuggets item name
  • Tortillas
    Thin, round flatbreads made from flour or corn, used for wraps or tacos.
    Tortillas | Grocery Store items names
  • Bagels
    Round bread rolls with a hole in the middle, often eaten toasted.
    Bagels item name
  • Crackers
    Thin, crispy baked snacks, often eaten with cheese or dips.
    Crackers item name
  • Potato Chips
    Thin slices of fried or baked potatoes, a crunchy snack.
    Potato Chips | Grocery Store items names
  • Pretzels
    Twisted, baked bread snacks that are salty and crispy.
    Pretzels | Grocery Store items names
  • Popcorn
    Popped corn kernels, a light and crunchy snack, often eaten during movies.
    Popcorn item name
  • Salsa
    A spicy sauce made from tomatoes, onions, and peppers, often eaten with chips.
    Salsa item name
  • Ketchup
    A sweet and tangy tomato sauce, commonly used with fries or burgers.
    Ketchup items names
  • Mustard
    A tangy, yellow sauce made from mustard seeds, used in sandwiches and hot dogs.
    Mustard items names
  • Mayonnaise
    A creamy white sauce made from eggs and oil, often used in sandwiches and salads.
    Mayonnaise items names
  • Hot Sauce
    A spicy liquid made from chili peppers, used to add heat to food.
    Hot Sauce | Grocery Store items names
  • Soy Sauce
    A salty, dark sauce made from soybeans, used in Asian cooking.
    Soy Sauce | Grocery Store items names
  • Vinegar
    A sour liquid made from fermented ingredients, used in cooking and salads.
    Vinegar items names
  • Pickles
    Cucumbers that are soaked in vinegar and spices, giving them a sour taste.
    Pickles | Grocery Store items names
  • Lettuce
    A leafy green vegetable, often used in salads and sandwiches.
    Lettuce items names
  • Spinach
    A leafy green vegetable rich in nutrients, used in salads and cooking.
    Spinach items names
  • Broccoli
    A green vegetable with small, tree-like heads, often steamed or cooked.
    Broccoli items names
  • Carrots
    Orange root vegetables that are sweet and crunchy, often eaten raw or cooked.
    Carrots | Grocery Store items names
  • Cucumbers
    Green, watery vegetables, often used in salads and sandwiches.
    Cucumbers | Grocery Store items names

50 names of grocery store items and Pictures

items names of grocery store

  • Tomatoes
  • Onions
  • Garlic
  • Potatoes
  • Sweet potatoes
  • Zucchini
  • Bell peppers
  • Mushrooms
  • Bananas
  • Apples
  • Oranges
  • Lemons
  • Limes
  • Grapes
  • Strawberries
  • Blueberries
  • Raspberries
  • Watermelon
  • Pineapple
  • Mangoes

items names of grocery store with Pictures

  • Tomatoes
    Red, juicy fruits often used in salads, sauces, and cooking.
    Tomatoes items names
  • Onions
    A bulb vegetable with a strong flavor, used in many dishes.
    Onions | Grocery Store items names
  • Garlic
    A small, white bulb with a strong taste, used to add flavor to food.
    Garlic | Grocery Store items names
  • Potatoes
    Starchy vegetables, commonly used for frying, baking, or mashing.
    Potatoes | Grocery Store items names
  • Sweet Potatoes
    Orange-colored root vegetables that are sweet and often baked or roasted.
    Sweet Potatoes | Grocery Store items names
  • Zucchini
    A green summer squash, often sliced and cooked in various dishes.
    Zucchini items names
  • Bell Peppers
    Colorful, crunchy vegetables that are sweet and used in salads or cooking.
    Bell Peppers items names
  • Mushrooms
    Edible fungi with a soft texture, used in soups, pizzas, and stir-fries.
    Mushrooms | Grocery Store items names
  • Bananas
    Yellow, sweet fruits that are soft inside and often eaten as a snack.
    Bananas items names
  • Apples
    Crispy and sweet fruits that come in many colors, eaten fresh or in desserts.
    Apples items names
  • Oranges
    Round, juicy citrus fruits, rich in vitamin C, often eaten fresh or juiced.
    Oranges items names
  • Lemons
    Yellow citrus fruits with a sour taste, often used in drinks and cooking.
    Lemons | Grocery Store items names
  • Limes
    Small, green citrus fruits, sour like lemons but with a different flavor.
    Limes items names
  • Grapes
    Small, round fruits that grow in bunches, eaten fresh or made into juice.
    Grapes items names
  • Strawberries
    Red, sweet berries with tiny seeds on the outside, often eaten fresh or in desserts.
    Strawberries items names
  • Blueberries
    Small, round, dark-blue berries that are sweet and often used in desserts or cereals.
    Blueberries | Grocery Store items names
  • Raspberries
    Small, red berries with a sweet-tart flavor, often used in desserts.
    Raspberries | Grocery Store items names
  • Watermelon
    A large, green fruit with a sweet, juicy red inside, popular in summer.
    Watermelon | Grocery Store items names
  • Pineapple
    A tropical fruit with spiky skin and sweet, yellow flesh inside.
    Pineapple| Grocery Store items names
  • Mangoes
    Tropical fruits with sweet, juicy orange flesh, often eaten fresh or in smoothies.
    Mangoes | Grocery Store items names

items names of grocery store with Pictures

Types of grocery store items names

  • Avocados
  • Almonds
  • Walnuts
  • Cashews
  • Raisins
  • Chocolate chips
  • Ice cream
  • Whipped cream
  • Granola bars
  • Instant noodles
  • Macaroni and cheese
  • Pizza dough
  • Cornflakes
  • Cream cheese
  • Sour cream
  • Applesauce
  • Cooking spray
  • Spaghetti
  • Red beans
  • Lentils

Different Types of items names of grocery store

  • Avocados
    Green, creamy fruits with a large seed, often used in salads and spreads.
    Avocados items names
  • Almonds
    Brown, crunchy nuts that are often eaten as snacks or used in desserts.
    Almonds items names
  • Walnuts
    Brown, wrinkled nuts that are rich in healthy fats and often used in baking.
    Walnuts | Grocery Store items names
  • Cashews
    Creamy, crescent-shaped nuts, eaten as snacks or added to dishes.
    Cashews items names
  • Raisins
    Dried grapes that are sweet and chewy, often used in baking or eaten as snacks.
    Raisins items names
  • Chocolate Chips
    Small pieces of chocolate, commonly used in cookies and desserts.
    Chocolate Chips | Grocery Store items names
  • Ice Cream
    A sweet, frozen dessert made from milk and cream, available in many flavors.
    Ice Cream Store items names
  • Whipped Cream
    Light, fluffy cream that is whipped and used as a topping for desserts.
    Whipped Cream | Grocery Store items names
  • Granola Bars
    Snack bars made from oats, nuts, and sometimes fruits, often eaten on the go.
    Granola Bars | Grocery Store items names
  • Instant Noodles
    Pre-cooked noodles that are quick and easy to prepare, usually with seasoning.
    Instant Noodles | Grocery Store items names
  • Macaroni and Cheese
    A dish made with pasta and cheese sauce, a popular comfort food.
    Macaroni and Cheese | Grocery Store items names
  • Pizza Dough
    Dough used to make pizza crust, available ready-to-bake.
    Pizza Dough | Grocery Store items names
  • Cornflakes
    Crispy, flaked cereal made from corn, often eaten with milk for breakfast.
    Cornflakes | Grocery Store items names
  • Cream Cheese
    Soft, spreadable cheese often used on bagels or in desserts.
    Cream Cheese | Grocery Store items names
  • Sour Cream
    Thick, tangy cream often used as a topping for baked potatoes or in dips.
    Sour Cream | Grocery Store items names
  • Applesauce
    Cooked and pureed apples, often sweetened and eaten as a snack or dessert.
    Applesauce | Grocery Store items names
  • Cooking Spray
    A sprayable oil used to coat pans to prevent food from sticking.
    Cooking Spray | Grocery Store items names
  • Spaghetti
    Long, thin pasta often served with tomato sauce or other toppings.
    Spaghetti | Grocery Store items names
  • Red Beans
    Small, red beans often used in soups, stews, or salads.
    Red Beans | Grocery Store items names
  • Lentils
    Small, round legumes that cook quickly and are often used in soups and stews.
    Lentils | Grocery Store items names

Different Types of items names of grocery store

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